北京著名氣功師答本刊記者問 (上) (原載《體育博覽》1986年6月) An interview with Xue Zhong Zhao, the renowned Qi Gong master in Beijing By Liu Xian-Zong (Sports Vision – June, 1986)

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吉林省長春市曲晨來信說: 從《體育博覽》雜誌上得知北京著名氣功師趙學忠診病如神,我便千里迢迢地來到首都,找這位“神醫”診病。當我到了他的家裏,還沒等我介紹病情,他就指出我肝膽不好,和做超聲波檢查的結果完全吻合。我還聽說他能通過照片的遺留資訊測檢疾病,便拿出丈夫的近照給他看。趙大夫雙目炯炯有神,他凝視照片片刻後說:“你丈夫血壓偏高,腦動脈硬化,腎臟也不太好。”聽他一說,我驚愕了。接著者,我又拿出女兒的照片給他看。趙大夫略掃一眼,就開口說:“她體制較弱,有附件炎,右側重一些。她還經常頭痛,頭暈,全身無力。”我一邊聽著,以便連連點頭稱“對”。趙大夫測檢的結果和我們的實際病症完全一致,不能不讓我從內心深處佩服他的神功!

中國人民解放軍空軍學院幹部郭志華來信: 我夜間睡覺時,頭部、左臂、左腿常常劇烈抽搐,患肢發涼發酸,肌肉萎縮,軟而無力,一直查不出原因,治療無效。當我找到趙大夫看病時,他僅用雙目從頭到腳一看,便指出我小腦受損,部位于左。我頗爲驚訝,便問:“小腦受損指的是什麽?有多長時間?他與肢體抽搐是什麽關係呢?”趙大夫隨即答道:“小腦受損即指受過劇烈震蕩,少說已有三十年了。小腦受損又受風寒,引起抽搐。”聽他一說,我才記起三十五年前的事兒。一次騎馬,因馬受驚,我被摔在地上,馬的一隻前蹄踢在了我的後腦勺,當即暈過去了,不省人事。年輕時,病症不明顯。年紀大了,後遺症顯得越來越厲害。現經趙大夫氣功診斷,總算找准我的病因了。
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Translated by Victoria C.

Editor’s note: Since its publication in November 1985, the article “Incredible to Believe, But Absolutely True” has generated tremendous amount of interests among the readers, particularly those afflicted with various illnesses. There has been a continuous stream of patients visiting Master Xue Zhong Zhao’s renowned Qi Gong Office in Beijing, yet at the same time some readers are still skeptical about the practice and the therapeutic efficacy of Qi Gong. To answer many of the common questions and concerns brought up by the readers, such as, How does Master Zhao use QiGong to make clinical diagnoses? What are the diseases that can be optimally treated by Qi Gong? Our reporter had an exclusive follow-up interview with Master Zhao, the Qi Gong doctor at the Beijing Hwa-Yi Unified Clinic of the Chinese Medicine. Also included in this article are excerpts of letters from patients who had been treated by Master Zhao.

Reporter: The general public has been intrigued and puzzled by the seeming mysteriousness of Qi Gong. Would you mind explaining how you use Qi Gong to detect and diagnose diseases?

Zhao: It’s not unusual for people to mystify phenomena they don’t understand: This is a normal human response. Western doctors rely on instruments (such as laboratory tests and imaging studies) to make clinical diagnoses, while traditional Chinese doctors derive clinical diagnoses by reading pulses. But Qi Gong doctors, like myself, have a unique way to detect and diagnose diseases.

All organisms, including humans, are composed of cells, the basic unit of life. Modern scientific research has demonstrated that every cell has its own micro electromagnetic field, which sends out specific wave signals. Pathologically transformed cells have an altered micro electromagnetic field; therefore, the wave signals emitted by the diseased cells are also altered, and Qi Gong doctors make clinical diagnoses by detecting these altered wave signals.

Why is it that Qi Gong doctors are able to detect and receive the wave signals from the human body? The answer to this question actually requires further exploration and research by the modern science, and because of its complexity, here I can only provide a glimpse of the answer. There are three levels to Qi Gong: beginning, intermediate, and advanced. Different levels mean different understanding and capability. A Qi Gong master who has achieved advanced level is able to emit qi (or energy). Emitting qi is not some sort of supernatural phenomenon; the emitted qi is a form of special wave. When this wave is projected onto the patient, it can scan the human body and detect the signals discharged from the pathologically transformed cells. The Qi Gong master’s brain can receive, analyze the signals returned from the patient, and from this information proceed to make clinical diagnoses. This “Qi Gong scan” can often be completed in just seconds or tens of seconds. In other words Qi Gong doctors utilize the basic function of the human brain, which is to send and receive signals.

Letter from Chen Qu, Changchun, Jilin Province:

In this magazine I’d read about Xue Zhong Zhao, the renowned Qi Gong master in Beijing, and about how Master Zhao is unbelievably accurate in making clinical diagnoses. I came a long way from home to visit Master Zhao in the Capital city, hoping to get my illnesses diagnosed by this Shen Yi (doctor with godlike gift). When I arrived at his house, and before I had the chance to describe what symptoms I’d had, Master Zhao immediately pointed out that something was wrong with my liver and gallbladder. His diagnoses completely coincided with the results of the ultrasound. And since I’d also heard that Master Zhao is able to detect diseases from the residuals signals left on a person’s photograph, I proceeded to show Master Zhao my husband’s picture. Master Zhao looked at the photo with a piercing gaze and said after a short moment: “Your husband has slightly elevated blood pressure as well as atherosclerosis, the most affected being his cerebral arteries. Also, he has kidney problems.” I was completely taken aback by the accuracy of his diagnoses. Undeterred, I then showed him my daughter’s picture. Master Zhao scanned it briefly and said, “She has a weaker constitution. She has adnexitis, more severe on the right side, and she often has headache, dizziness, and weakness.” I was nodding incessantly as I listened to Master Zhao’s comments. What Master Zhao had just described completely coincided with our daily symptoms, and I was utterly awed by the profound diagnostic power of his Qi Gong.

Letter from Zhi-Hua Guo, staff officer at the Air Force Academy of the Liberation Army, People’s Republic of China:

When I slept at night, I used to have severe convulsions developed in my head, left arm, and left leg. I’d also noticed that the affected limbs had chronic soreness and coldness, as well as muscular atrophy and weakness. I sought treatment from various sources to no avail, since my condition had never been properly diagnosed. When I first met Master Zhao, he pointed out that the left side of my cerebellum had been injured in the past just by scanning me head to toe with his eyes. I was rather surprised, and I then asked, “What does it mean to have a cerebellar injury? How long ago did it happen? What does this injury have to do with the convulsions I have in my limbs?” Master Zhao answered immediately that “cerebellum is often injured as a result of violent forces impacting the head; this had occurred at least more than thirty years ago. On top of the physical injury, the cerebellum had also caught a chill, leading to convulsions.” Just then I remembered an accident that had happened thirty-five y ears ago. I fell off a frightened horse and lost consciousness after I was kicked by the horse on the back of the head. When I was younger, the complications from that fall (convulsions) were not apparent; however, as I got older, the symptoms became more pronounced and severe. This is the first time someone has actually come up with a diagnosis of my condition, and Master Zhao has accomplished that by Qi Gong.